halloween hacks

Halloween Hacks: Handy Hints for a Hauntingly Happy Holiday🎃👻

Dear Halloween Enthusiasts,

Is it my imagination, or have Halloween costumes gone completely crazy? I mean, when we were all kids, Halloween was about scaring the socks off the neighbors. Now, instead of witches and vampires, we’ve got inflatable cupcakes and emojis waddling down the street!😂

And not to mention unicorns. Yes, these mythical creatures are magical, and indeed all the hype, but do they really belong in the same realm as vampires and witches? I even saw someone dressed as an avocado last year - yes, an avocado! Since when did an avocado make you scream and run for your life?

This year, my seven-year-old daughter has announced she wants to dress up as a unicorn fairy princess astronaut. This announcement has led to me officially handing over the title of Costume Manager to my husband.😉

He’s now in charge of all things sparkly and spacey while I take on my new role as Chief Party Planner Extraordinaire! 🎈✨Read on for the hacks that make Halloween fun easy.🧙‍♀️😈🎈✨

Mummy Wrap - pair kids up, give them a roll of toilet paper and each kid has to wrap the other up like a mummy as quickly as possible. The real challenge isn’t the wrapping - it’s keeping the giggles from unraveling the whole masterpiece!😂

Donut dunking - hang donuts from a string, allocate one to each kid and get them to race each other to eat it without using their hands. This one is a hilarious combination of cuteness and chaos, plus an awful lot of stickiness!🍩😂

Ghost Sack Race - a twist on the old-time classic, you need to use white pillowcases decorated with ghost faces as sacks. Then get the kids to hop to the finish line inside their ghost sacks and we dare parents to have a go too!

Pumpkin Pass - this one’s a twist on pass the parcel. The kids sit in a circle and pass a pumpkin round to music. When the music stops, the kid holding the pumpkin gets an edible, wiggly worm prize. Make sure EVERYONE gets a go to avoid tears!

On a final note - may your costume-making be creative (and assigned to someone else if you're as lucky as I am.😛) May your pumpkins be perfectly carved, and may your bedtime negotiations with sugar-fuelled party goers be mercifully short! Happy Halloween!!!🎃👻

P.S Check out these cute Halloween outfits for your little devils to wear during the holiday season.


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